Tuesday 19 July 2011

Patience, patience & more patience

Over the last week I've had some serious issues arise because of my love of bible study, fellowship and other christian activities. It's way too long to go into but if anything God has really taught me just to be patient. Even when I want to scream and rip my hair out I just stop and come to Him about how I feel and breathe! And do you know what? He just takes it all away. If I come to Him angry or upset about a situation I always leave with peace in my heart and I hand my situation over to Him. Reflecting on the word has really also helped me as I am renewing my mind with the positive and concentrating on how great God's love is. Having to learn to be patient in different ways even when it seemed impossible left me thinking about how patient God is with us, a thing we can sometimes take for granted...

Nothing is impossible with God ;)

Thursday 7 July 2011


Ahhhhh first ever blog, here goes! I actually wracked my brain the whole of today but I’ve just decided to get it over and done with. This year has been the best yet, I'm in my nineteenth year I've found God along with the purpose that He has for my life. What could be more amazing than that? HehehahahahaHEE. Errr yeah, erm… *looks over shoulder embarrassed at her sudden outburst*.                                                

Annywaaaaaay, ever since I've come to God this blog has been high on my 'to do' list. However, I waited because He told me that if I tried to do all the things I wanted to do all at once it wouldn't work. So I waited and here I am today finally writing this post with glee because I know a hundred percent in my heart that this is the right time. In the few months truly of seeking my daddy He has shown me sooo much and placed an unmovable joy and peace in my life that I want to share with others.

Recent achievements in my life include finishing my Art & Design foundation! Yaaaay! For me this is a massive cause for celebration because it means I'll be going on to uni to September to begin my Fine Art course. The current set up of my life is funny because a year ago I did NOT want to do art, seriously. This time last year I was waiting for my A-level results and hoping to pursue physiotherapy (seems crazy now I think about it). To cut the long story short things didn't work out and I was left with the summer to decide what I was going to do. Clearing and retakes cramped my brain cells. I can honestly tell you I’d never felt so disheartened in all my life. I felt I’d worked so hard and yet I’d yielded nothing, I felt so alone. ALL my friends were moving out and I couldn’t stand anymore of my aunts, uncles and the extended family asking ‘So where are you off to?’ I almost went mad. I was mad, I was angry but there was a friend. God was working in a way I couldn’t even see! I didn’t always talk to this friend of mine regularly but the time at which he came back into my life was a Godsend, no joke. I confided in him about everything that had happened after my results and he relentlessly followed me up making sure I found an alternative solution as quickly as possible. So a gamble with my old sketchbooks and an interview later I had landed myself a place on the art foundation course and despite the stumbling blocks everything started to look up. 

The last nine months challenged me as a person and eventually left me searching for something deeper. I always knew that I would do Fine art but the type of art I would make was the question. I wanted to make a difference with my art not explore time or space or what people defined as life and all the irrelevant things of the Western world. Nothing interested me long enough to consider exploring it for a life time. The question that continually plagued my heart was one I just couldn't answer. I had no problem satisfying the criteria for every project but it still left my sprit unsatisfied. Towards the end of my course I found God and while seeking I also found the what I was to do with my art, it was to reach out to lost souls and to share gospel. Finding God meant I was at peace with myself as He began changing and cleansing me from the inside out. My mindset was no longer one of the world and I hungered to live a life pleasing to Him. When I found this out my puzzle began to make sense. The reason I had dropped art in my first year of A-level was because I hadn't found purpose, a purpose that only God could give me. The last few weeks of the course was a massive struggle but God kept me holding on and reminded me of the great work we would do once I passed my course. My last project was a little bit of a delve into my background and letting go of my grandma but I'd gone into this project without knowing Him and came out a renewed person because I had found Him. My struggle was against my old self and way life and the frustration of wanting to fully walk into the light that God was holding for me. 

Things have taken a turn for the better as I’m living my life in Christ. *Sing-raps* Faith, love, hope uh-uh-uh yeahhhhh. *scratches head* Ooh ooh a little add on, okay last Saturday I went to watch a film for a friend’s birthday and towards the end I was reminded of all the pain He had taken me out of. The word ‘thank you’ will never quite cover it. Anyhoo right now I’m learning so much and have still got much more to learn. What I hope? That I will truly share what I come across, it’s not perfect but it’s a little of my beginning, my new life, call it what you may. Shall we start with genesis?

With love, Chi ;)